中三(女) ,一至五3日 ( 上課時間 : 7pm ) ( 1.5小時 ) , ( 150 / 每小時),女導師,English,大學程度,19:00-20:30 近上環文娛中心
個案編號: A1300097
時間: 一至五3日(1.5小時),150 / 每小時,
上課時間: 7pm
學生資料: 中三
科目: 理科,物理,化學,
學費: 150 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,English,大學程度,19:00-20:30 近上環文娛中心
導師編號 : 800123 (女) 本人是香港大學護理系一年級學生,精通數理科。 對學生有耐性,有心教學!
日期 : 2013-12-12 16:02:55

導師編號 : 800143 (男) 本人曾任讀荃灣區英文中學可風中學, 成績曾經低落, 但後期靠自己的努力發掘到適當的讀書方法, 效果非常有效, 更在會考及高考的理科成績之中取得佳績(CE 3A, AL 1A) , 並現就讀於理工大學的三大醫療科目之一的放射學,現時自身的成績亦依然優秀。

本人有4年半至5年的私人補習經驗, 由小2到中6的學生都補過, 中學的學生主補理科, 而小學則全科, 補習效果理想, 學生們都有明顯的進步。

另外本人有耐性及有教學效率, 能夠軟硬兼施, 能勝任教授很多不同的學生。
日期 : 2013-12-15 14:01:24

導師編號 : 800164 (男) 本人現於香港大學攻讀學士學位課程。中學畢業於喇沙書院。公開試成績優異,Physics及Maths奪A,Chemistry及Biology奪B。本人態度認真,有耐性,盡責,守時,表達能力強。深明理科讀書要訣,會把讀書及考試技巧傾囊相授。貴子女成績必定有所進步。有三年補習經驗,專補數理,能真正做到循循善誘,因材施教。
日期 : 2013-12-18 18:38:25

導師編號 : 800533 (男) 本人於香港大學攻讀純粹科學, 並於公開試中物理及數學均取得甲等成績, 深明理科之讀書技巧: 一理通, 則百理明也! 而且, 讀書講求興趣, 本人必定能夠協助閣下找出讀者之樂趣, 助你愉快學習, 輕鬆攞A.
本人於香港大學住宿舍, 能夠遷就學生之上課時間~~
日期 : 2014-03-04 01:49:43

導師編號 : 800376 (女) Graduated from St. Pauls Convent School in 2013 and currently studying HKU Accounting and Finance Year 1 with CGPA 3.66.
HKDSE result:
Maths- lv5*
Phy- lv5*
Chem- lv 5*
Bio- lv 5
Eng- lv 5
Best five subjects: 28

IGCSE results: 6A*
Can provide with pastpapers and school testpapers and will teach with patience
日期 : 2014-06-09 11:44:14

導師編號 : 801600 (女) Tutor for primary school children, with specialty in Math, Science and English

- Attended Diocesan Girls’ School from Primary One to Form Three
- Graduated from Milton Academy cum laude (a prep school located in Massachusetts USA)
- Obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a major in Management and a minor in Economics
- Extensive investment banking career, worked for bulge bracket banks such as Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse First Boston and Deutsche Bank
日期 : 2014-07-28 08:55:05

導師編號 : 802594 (女) I graduated from Diocesan Girls School (Band 1 EMI) and am currently a 2015 HKDSE candidate. I have attained grade A in English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry in my S6 Mock exams. Having achieved outstanding results in internal exams at school, and with experience in participating in academic competitions (High Distinction Award in Physics and Distinction award in Mathematics in Secondary School Mathematics and Science Competition, representative of school for the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad), I am confident that I am qualified for this job. Past papers of different schools would also be provided to assist teaching. As a fresh graduate, I believe that my up-to-date knowledge in secondary school subjects and personal methods of studying would be of great use to students. I look forward to providing you with the help that your child needs:)
日期 : 2015-05-22 05:00:54