中三(女) ,一星期3日, ( 150 / 每小時),大學程度,時間穩定,有經驗
個案編號: A1300115
時間: 一星期3日,150 / 每小時,
學生資料: 中三
科目: 理科,物理,化學,
學費: 150 / 每小時
特別要求: 大學程度,時間穩定,有經驗
導師編號 : 800164 (男) 本人現於香港大學攻讀學士學位課程。中學畢業於喇沙書院。公開試成績優異,Physics及Maths奪A,Chemistry及Biology奪B。本人態度認真,有耐性,盡責,守時,表達能力強。深明理科讀書要訣,會把讀書及考試技巧傾囊相授。貴子女成績必定有所進步。有三年補習經驗,專補數理,能真正做到循循善誘,因材施教。
日期 : 2013-12-18 18:36:10

導師編號 : 800194 (男) I am a full time private tutor and I have over 10 years teaching experience. Currently I am teaching Chemistry, Physics and Maths in an Education Center in Causeway Bay. I have many HKDSE/IGCSE/GCE/IB students who come from Kings College, St Pauls College, Wah Yan College and Singapore International School, etc. I am familiar with chemistry, physics, maths (core/M1/M2) and I can provide a lot of exercises and papers for student practice.
日期 : 2013-12-27 11:57:00

導師編號 : 800499 (男) 本人為香港大學社會科學學系一年級生,主修政治,聖若瑟書院畢業,具一年補習經驗,會為學生準備上課筆記。本人於香港文憑試中文,英文及物理科均獲5*成績。於校內理科成績優異。本人於香港大學宿舍居住,能配合家長時間上課。
日期 : 2014-02-20 17:15:07

導師編號 : 800376 (女) Graduated from St. Pauls Convent School in 2013 and currently studying HKU Accounting and Finance Year 1 with CGPA 3.66.
HKDSE result:
Maths- lv5*
Phy- lv5*
Chem- lv 5*
Bio- lv 5
Eng- lv 5
Best five subjects: 28

IGCSE results: 6A*
Can provide with pastpapers and school testpapers and will teach with patience
日期 : 2014-06-09 11:43:00

導師編號 : 801600 (女) Tutor for primary school children, with specialty in Math, Science and English

- Attended Diocesan Girls’ School from Primary One to Form Three
- Graduated from Milton Academy cum laude (a prep school located in Massachusetts USA)
- Obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a major in Management and a minor in Economics
- Extensive investment banking career, worked for bulge bracket banks such as Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse First Boston and Deutsche Bank
日期 : 2014-07-28 08:52:00