小四、小五(男) ,一至五3日 ( 上課時間 : 16:00-20:00內 ) ( 2小時 ) , ( 300 / 每小時),女導師,現職教師,逢星期一、二、三、五補習,有經驗、最重要英文文法。
個案編號: A1400146
時間: 一至五3日(2小時),300 / 每小時,
上課時間: 16:00-20:00內
學生資料: 小四、小五
科目: 中文,英文,數學,廣東話,英文拼音,
學費: 300 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,現職教師,逢星期一、二、三、五補習,有經驗、最重要英文文法。
導師編號 : 800337 (女) I am a student reading Journalism in the University of Hong Kong. As a Canadian student who has recently graduated from an international school, I have undertook the International Baccalaureate program in subjects such as Geography, Economics, French, Chemistry and Maths. I am most confident in teaching English and is able to train students in all perspectives of writing, reading, listening and orals.
日期 : 2014-02-12 11:53:40

導師編號 : 800121 (女) 我是一名教師,曾任教中、小學,所以經驗豐富。
日期 : 2014-02-13 13:03:40

導師編號 : 800512 (女) Hello, I live in Kowloon City so your location is perfect and convenient for me. I am currently studying within the International Baccalaureate program and am interested in teaching English and Mathematics to primary school students. It is my higher level subject and I am proficient in writing, reading and speaking. Please view my profile if you are interested. Feel free to contact me! Thank you.
日期 : 2014-02-22 21:46:39