中五(女) ,一至五2日 ( 上課時間 : 17:00 - 20:00 ) ( 1.5小時 ) , ( 150-180 / 每小時),大學程度,學生就讀中中。可在銅鑼灣、灣仔或鴨利洲補習。
個案編號: A1400218
時間: 一至五2日(1.5小時),150-180 / 每小時,
上課時間: 17:00 - 20:00
學生資料: 中五
科目: 英文,數學,經濟,
學費: 150-180 / 每小時
特別要求: 大學程度,學生就讀中中。可在銅鑼灣、灣仔或鴨利洲補習。
導師編號 : 800204 (男) 本人為香港大學英文系雙學位一年級學生,主修語言學、英文及英文教育,於港大接受翻譯訓練,使中英文的聽說讀寫更上一層樓。畢業於灣仔傳統band one英文中學,在文憑試中考獲33分佳績,當中中文、英文、經濟及企業、會計與財務概論奪取5*,數學亦奪Lv5。本人從小由國際學校校長一對一教授,接受包括SAT、TOFEL、AP等訓練。精通外國口音並擁有濃厚美國口音,精通Phonics拼音,DSE 英文Oral 5**。本人亦考了IELTS(國際英文試) ,閱讀8/9分,聆聽8.5/9分。本人明白不同學生的需要,善於以深入淺出的教學方法,協助學生解決在學習過程中所遇到的難題 ,並以精編筆記、試題、練習及詞語運用,針對各學生的弱點,給予最適切的指導,務求提高學生水平。同時亦歡迎學生隨時向我提問,24小時whatsapp問書,希望能盡力協助學生解決疑難。就讀中四時已開始為學生補習,經驗豐富,現/曾為成人、就讀皇仁、華仁、筲官、高主教、鄧肇堅、港大同學會、中文中學等學生補習,並成功幫助有學習障礙的學生推升英語水平。補習地點時間有彈性,歡迎閣下與本人聯絡,謝謝。 *只補英文、經濟
日期 : 2014-02-21 13:11:33

導師編號 : 800376 (女) Year 1 student studying Accounting and Finance in Hong Kong (CGPA:3.66/4.30 - first hon)
HKDSE results:
Maths lv 5*
Maths(Module 2) lv 5*
Physics lv 5*
Chemistry lv 5*
Biology lv 5

Flexible tutoring time
Currently living in St. Johns College in HKU

Secondary School:
St. Pauls Convent School

- can provide school past papers
- have two year experiences in teaching lower form students
- responsible and punctual
日期 : 2014-05-09 01:38:22

導師編號 : 801356 (女) 本人現就讀香港大學工商管理(法律)雙學位課程,於2013年中學文憑試中每科均取得level 5或以上成績,其中英文科考獲straight 5**,經濟科亦取得5**佳績。 技巧從經驗中累積,本人有約一年的私人補習經驗,曾替不同年級的學生補習,充分了解學生所需。如有需要,本人可以提供補習筆記及不同練習,讓學生得以精益求精。
日期 : 2014-06-18 02:33:23

導師編號 : 801775 (男) I graduated from Imperial College London (“Times” average ranking: 3rd in U.K for the past decade) with a first class honours engineering degree. English is definitely more native to me (British accent) compared to my conversational level of Cantonese and Mandarin. Despite being born in Hong Kong, I studied in U.K. from a young age. Majority of my classmates and friends in U.K. were English, so I was able to learn the language from the locals.

During my full-time employment in London after my graduation, I gained 3 years of teaching experience by providing private English tutoring to Chinese overseas students in London on a part-time basis. I then moved to Hong Kong to pursue my career further in customer service management. I was given the opportunity to manage the CS and complaints department for a multi-national e-commerce company servicing English-speaking customers across Europe and North America. One of my main duties were to resolve customers’ special requests and complaints via phone calls and emails, therefore my native English skills proved to be very handy; the fact was that more trust can be gained and my words were far more convincing to them if I spoke and wrote as a Caucasian from U.K.

I had started in private tutoring for all ages on a part-time basis in Hong Kong since 2011. I had recently resigned from my day job as I realised imparting my knowledge with youngsters and witnessing their improvements are much more satisfying to me. Depending on each individual student’s ability and needs, teaching strategy and materials can be tailor-made by myself or provided by the client. I am confident that I can assist with general school work due to my academic background.

$200 for 1 hour; $290 for 1.5 hours; $360 for 2 hours
日期 : 2014-08-26 00:14:34

導師編號 : 801775 (男) I graduated from Imperial College London (“Times” average ranking: 3rd in U.K for the past decade) with a first class honours engineering degree. English is definitely more native to me (British accent) compared to my conversational level of Cantonese and Mandarin. Despite being born in Hong Kong, I studied in U.K. from a young age. Majority of my classmates and friends in U.K. were English, so I was able to learn the language from the locals.

During my full-time employment in London after my graduation, I gained 3 years of teaching experience by providing private English tutoring to Chinese overseas students in London on a part-time basis. I then moved to Hong Kong to pursue my career further in customer service management. I was given the opportunity to manage the CS and complaints department for a multi-national e-commerce company servicing English-speaking customers across Europe and North America. One of my main duties were to resolve customers’ special requests and complaints via phone calls and emails, therefore my native English skills proved to be very handy; the fact was that more trust can be gained and my words were far more convincing to them if I spoke and wrote as a Caucasian from U.K.

I had started in private tutoring for all ages on a part-time basis in Hong Kong since 2011. I had recently resigned from my day job as I realised imparting my knowledge with youngsters and witnessing their improvements are much more satisfying to me. Depending on each individual student’s ability and needs, teaching strategy and materials can be tailor-made by myself or provided by the client. I am confident that I can assist with general school work due to my academic background.

Lessons can take place in my home in Ap Lei Chau (South Horizons) or any other places within Ap Lei Chau:

$330 for 1.5 hours; $420 for 2 hours

Fees can be negotiated slightly; Lesson times can also be flexible.
日期 : 2014-09-01 19:19:13

導師編號 : 801607 (男) 本人於香港區BAND 1聖馬可中學畢業(F.1-7), 現就讀理工大學醫療化驗科。在2013 DSE文憑試中數學必修及延伸科目(M2)皆獲得5*級成績以及英語、生物、物理獲得5級成績。 本人自小學習奧數, 因此數學成績優異。 我相信自己有能力勝任。敬請考慮!
日期 : 2014-11-09 11:55:17

導師編號 : 801241 (女) 本人是2013年DSE考生,大學二年級學生。於傳統英中名校畢業,現就讀於科技大學(商科)。在DSE中,中文和通識都考獲5*,英文考獲5級。 有兩年補習經驗,盡責,對教學充滿熱誠,有耐心,喜愛小朋友 。本人亦考獲皇家音樂學院鋼琴8級,二胡8級。
日期 : 2014-11-23 21:36:13

導師編號 : 800916 (女) I m currently studying HKU and majoring in Accounting and Finance year 1.
I studied in Maryknoll Convent School for my primary and secondary education.
I studied Economics in DSE and obtained a 5* grade; 5* in English and 5** in BAFS (management). Notes and exercises will be provided and explained. Hope to be granted with a chance!
日期 : 2015-05-23 23:45:00

導師編號 : 803165 (男) 本人為香港大學機械工程系三年級生 dse數學考得5* 具三年補習數學經驗 有豐富私補經驗 能提供技巧及額外練習 時間彈性
日期 : 2016-10-19 14:12:04