九龍塘 |
Year 11(男) ,一星期3日 ( 2小時 ) , ( 130-150 / 每小時),男導師,大學程度,國際學校學生 Year 11. 補習科目: Business Studies, Book Name: Business Studies in Action (Preliminary Couse). Topic 1.Nature of Business 2.Business Management 3.Business Planning. 逢星期二、四 18:30-20:30, 六/日下午。 |
A1400273 |
一星期3日(2小時),130-150 / 每小時, |
男 |
Year 11 |
130-150 / 每小時 |
男導師,大學程度,國際學校學生 Year 11. 補習科目: Business Studies, Book Name: Business Studies in Action (Preliminary Couse). Topic 1.Nature of Business 2.Business Management 3.Business Planning. 逢星期二、四 18:30-20:30, 六/日下午。 |
導師編號 : 800606 (女)
Having studied in a band one local school (Marymount Secondary School) and then moved onto one of the top international schools (Island School) in Hong Kong and currently studying in CUHK, I believe that my knowledge of both educational systems and ways of teaching would make me an excellent choice in helping your child with their learning.
With an IB grade of 38 out of 42, I have demonstrated thorough understanding of the syllabus which consists of the following subjects:
-English Literature (Level 5)
-Mandarin(Level 7)
-Mathematics(Level 6)
-Economics (Level 6)
-Business & Management (Level 7)
-Environmental Systems & Societies (Level 7) |
日期 : 2014-03-12 14:02:15 |