筲箕灣 |
幼稚園(男) ,一星期2日 ( 上課時間 : 16:30-17:30 ) ( 1小時 ) ,女導師,外藉導師,Native English Speaker preferrable. Mainly vocabulary building and oral. 2 days/week, 1hr/class. 外藉回流導師亦可 |
L140032 |
一星期2日(1小時), |
16:30-17:30 |
男 |
幼稚園 |
英文拼音,英語會話, |
女導師,外藉導師,Native English Speaker preferrable. Mainly vocabulary building and oral. 2 days/week, 1hr/class. 外藉回流導師亦可 |
導師編號 : 800755 (女)
親愛的家長, 你好! 本人於美國畢業, 海外回流
Overseas Graduate 金融碩士生、老師上門補習 (HK Island, Kowloon, New Territories and Islands): 本人亦教授英文, 劍橋英語, 英語會話, 數學, 統計,經濟,電腦, 其他科及專門為大學生補習工商管理及財務系, 和 successful resume writing/career preparation/study abroad skills。
本人是 experienced Wall Street analyst 金融 (New York City), Master Degree in Finance (MBA), 美國大學金融管理碩士. 曾任職著名國際大機構。本人有私人補習經驗, 具多元文化及國際視野,能提高學生的學習興趣和思考能力,
關心學生考試成績,定能幫助學生獲得理想成績, 有免費大量作業或題目練習。此外,
本人亦不介意為學生增添少量額外練習或測驗以作鞏固。學生的成績均有明顯進步, 能每天跟進學生的進度。本人個性開朗健談, 人格方面,家長及學生不用擔心, 助其解決學術上的困難, 相信本人可以勝任此工作。
學生: 聖若瑟, 協恩,培正, 喇沙, 太子協和,民生書院, 英皇佐治五世, 國際學校。
補習時間 (最早6:00am 至 最夜24:00midnight), 時薪及授課區域可議 (可以自由選擇上課地點)。希望家長您孩子前程錦繡,謝謝。
Tutoring (students/adults) or career adviser: I received MBA degree in the US and previously worked for several well-known financial firms. I am a tutor. I can offer commitment to my students.
My schedule is negotiable. I am available to teach in a coffee shop or paying a visit to your place of residence.
Whether youre a student in school or simple a Lifetime Learner, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you. |
日期 : 2014-06-13 22:00:34 |
導師編號 : 801418 (女)
I am a first year Biochemistry student studying in University College London (UCL). I was a 2013 HKDSE student graduated from Sacred Heart Canossian College. I was awarded 5** in English Language (5** in all papers). In addition, I scored 8.5 out of 9 in IELTS. I am confident in providing quality English classes for the student. |
日期 : 2014-07-03 02:22:40 |
導師編號 : 801678 (男)
I am currently working as a counselling psychologist and have few years experience on part-time tutoring. I was graduated from the master degree on counselling psychology which help to understand well about children development (including language). I can speak fluent english and can help in enhancing children holistic development. Please contact me if u are interested. |
日期 : 2014-08-02 19:36:17 |
導師編號 : 801687 (女)
日期 : 2014-08-06 02:23:10 |
導師編號 : 801687 (女)
• 您好,本人(女)在澳大利亞西部的頂尖大學畢業
•住在澳洲11年(初中 高中和大學)
• 操流利英語,能提供全英語環境上課。
• 本人可為學生提供筆記
• 操流利英文、普通話、廣東話,另外操一般程度日語。
• 和小孩相處有豐富經驗。 |
日期 : 2014-08-06 02:25:40 |