(男) ,一至五2日 ( 上課時間 : 任何時間 ) , ( 150 / 每小時),女導師,全職補習,主要教答題技巧
個案編號: A1400378
時間: 一至五2日,150 / 每小時,
上課時間: 任何時間
科目: 英文,英語會話,
學費: 150 / 每小時
特別要求: 女導師,全職補習,主要教答題技巧
導師編號 : 800070 (女) hello
english and all subject i also can teach,time can arrange that,please contact me as well, thank you
日期 : 2014-04-03 01:15:14

導師編號 : 800953 (女) I am a current student under English Department. I am an experienced tutor, especially for adults’ students. For enhancing learning process, exercise are provided. My lessons are divided into four parts equally, reading ,writing, speaking and lastly listening. To improve reading skills, reading materials are provided. Students are required to read them in and after class. Sometimes, there will be news. Usually, students are asked to write about 100-200 word for the news, depending on their ability. The major communication channel in class is English, so that student can practice English orally and listening at the same time. Classes of grammar will be held as well. When I am abroad, relevant homework will be given. Therefore, students are still acquiring new knowledge even though I cannot have lesson with him/her.
日期 : 2014-05-07 17:26:44

導師編號 : 801979 (女) 你好。本人曾以會考第一名的成績獲讀香港中文大學法律學院錄取,現就讀學士學位三年班,擁有一年補習經驗。本人以普通话为母语,中學時期,曾多次在校際演講比賽中獲得金獎,並且多次參加國際奧林匹克競賽(理科)。本人擅長英文,普通話以及理科全科家教補習。本人補習認真細心,注重對學習興趣的培養,以及對學習方法,應試技巧的研究,曾幫助一名中五學生短期內大幅提高學習興趣及考試成績。現時本人有幫兩位同學補習,由於本人性格開朗,善於開導,語言機智幽默,已顯著提高學生學習興趣,備受學生喜愛。願竭誠為您的孩子提供家教服務。(如您所知,本人作为内地学生,最擅长的即为应试技巧)
日期 : 2014-10-04 20:32:45