近地鐵站 |
小一及小四(男) ,一星期3日 ( 上課時間 : 1600-2000 ) ( 4小時 ) , ( 200 / 每小時),全職補習,主要英文; 星期一至六其中3天 |
A1500511 |
一星期3日(4小時),200 / 每小時, |
1600-2000 |
男 |
小一及小四 |
全科,英文, |
200 / 每小時 |
全職補習,主要英文; 星期一至六其中3天 |
導師編號 : 800586 (女)
I have 18 years of teaching children English at local schools and international schools.
日期 : 2015-05-02 12:57:04 |
導師編號 : 802436 (女)
本人畢業於香港真光中學,現在於東華書院Bachelor of Medical Science 就讀year one。在香港中學文憑試中英文考獲得5, 英語會話考獲5*, 中學的時候英文成績都在top 30%,在東華書院的Developing English Language 課程中考獲A+ (GPA 4.5)。中學的時候有為小一到小六學生補習全科一年半,現在有為中學生補習英文,對教學充滿熱誠,望被錄用。
日期 : 2015-05-02 20:06:45 |
導師編號 : 802474 (女)
本人就讀英華女學校 band1傳統英文中學 校內成績良好 修讀化學 生物 歷史 英文會話及寫作成績top10% 理科成績優良 化學成績top 25% 今年為文憑試考生 在校內參加toastmaster英語會話訓練 並於比賽中取得第二名 亦是英文辯論校隊一員 過往亦曾為學生補習英文一年半 亦為校內師妹補習數學 對學生有耐性 有愛心 負責任 有誠信 並有練習提供 希望有機會擔任此職 |
日期 : 2015-05-03 19:55:54 |
導師編號 : 801293 (女)
港大傳媒系畢業,中學時就讀拔萃女書院,有教授小朋友經驗,可提供温習工作紙。 |
日期 : 2015-05-07 09:41:11 |
導師編號 : 802435 (男)
你好,本人是香港教育學院英語語文研究學生,於香港中學文憑試英文考得Level5佳績,英文寫作更達5*優異水平。IELTS亦達7級。有為小學生補習經驗。有耐性,細心。希望考慮錄取。 |
日期 : 2015-05-11 13:23:08 |
導師編號 : 802565 (女)
日期 : 2015-05-15 11:19:06 |
導師編號 : 802412 (女)
本人為 香港城市大學 公共政策及管理學系 三年級生,畢業於英文中學精英班,有3年多私人補習經驗,中學也有於學校的功課輔導班教導師弟妹功課。本人中學修讀理科,擅長英文,數學,科學及通識科,有耐性,準時及能提供所需科目的練習。上課時間可商議。 |
日期 : 2015-05-25 02:07:57 |
導師編號 : 802592 (女)
本人居住馬鞍山 時間較易挾
本人 為應屆DSE考生 於Band 1傳統英文中學德望學校畢業 (PHY CHEM BIO M1) 多科在校內獲頭十的佳績 全級頭十五名內
本人曾是恆生精英隊隊員(乒乓球) 亦考獲白金章 可教授乒乓球 |
日期 : 2015-05-28 19:12:16 |
導師編號 : 802741 (男)
本人就讀香港中文大學音樂系,有興趣替中小學生補習,對教學有熱誠和耐性,可提供練習和筆記。 |
日期 : 2015-06-09 12:13:51 |
導師編號 : 802861 (男)
本人於2014年畢業於拔萃男書院,是香港理工大學專上學院心理學系二年級生,Year 1 CGPA 3.4,IELTS 7分(相等於DSE英文科5-5*成績) ,有一年補習社工作經驗及三年義務補習經驗,針對考試技巧,以改變學生讀書心態為主要教學方針。 |
日期 : 2015-07-03 22:02:22 |
導師編號 : 802926 (女)
日期 : 2015-07-21 23:53:38 |
導師編號 : 802962 (女)
我相信我能夠勝任這份工作! |
日期 : 2015-07-30 22:29:48 |
導師編號 : 801023 (女)
I believe that my DSE results in English and the Bachelor of Arts degree will make me a suitable candidate for this position. Also, the key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
I love interact with children.
I like to communicate with different people.
I always work as a team in the past with different parties.
I am creative and outgoing that I can manage to create a joyful environment for children to learn.
With a degree in Bachelor of Arts, I have experience in learning English-related and language-related subject which enable me to acquire a better foundation in English.
My HKDSE English result is overall 5*, having both Reading and Integrated Skills 5**. While my IELTS result is overall 7.5, having both Reading and Listening 8.5 out of 9.
Besides, I have been working as a part-time English phonics teacher since September, 2014. Also, I taught English classes in colleges before. I am quite sure this experience help me to become a better tutor.
Available time:
Monday after 17:30
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after 16:30
Friday, Saturday and Sunday whole day free to arrange |
日期 : 2016-01-16 11:47:41 |
導師編號 : 801023 (女)
I believe that my DSE results in English and the Bachelor of Arts degree will make me a suitable candidate for this position. Also, the key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
I love interact with children.
I like to communicate with different people.
I always work as a team in the past with different parties.
I am creative and outgoing that I can manage to create a joyful environment for children to learn.
With a degree in Bachelor of Arts, I have experience in learning English-related and language-related subject which enable me to acquire a better foundation in English.
My HKDSE English result is overall 5*, having both Reading and Integrated Skills 5**. While my IELTS result is overall 7.5, having both Reading and Listening 8.5 out of 9.
Besides, I have been working as a part-time English phonics teacher since September, 2014. Also, I taught English classes in colleges before. I am quite sure this experience help me to become a better tutor.
Available time:
Monday after 17:30
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after 16:30
Friday, Saturday and Sunday whole day free to arrange |
日期 : 2016-01-16 11:53:58 |