何文田窩打老道山 |
升小四(男) ,一星期1日 ( 1.5小時 ) , ( 150 / 每小時),女導師,大學程度,7月中開始上堂,需曾考TOEFL或IELTS,可全英教授 |
A1500687 |
一星期1日(1.5小時),150 / 每小時, |
男 |
升小四 |
150 / 每小時 |
女導師,大學程度,7月中開始上堂,需曾考TOEFL或IELTS,可全英教授 |
導師編號 : 802562 (女)
I am available to start lessons in mid July. Mornings or afternoons on Saturdays are fine for me. Please reach me if you have any questions. |
日期 : 2015-06-28 21:44:24 |
導師編號 : 802607 (女)
日期 : 2015-06-28 22:24:05 |
導師編號 : 802758 (女)
本人畢業於屯門區英文中學,經香港資優教育學苑評定為科學及人文範疇的資優生,於中學期間修讀香港中文大學學分課程。本人自中學已醉心科學研究,曾跟隨香港大學 黃格元教授以及香港中文大學 曾淑瑩教授進行科研工作,表現傑出並獲教授推選成為優秀學員。本人會考及高考成績理想,當中會考生物以及英文科更考獲良等,現為大學三年級學生,主修應用生物學,副修英文,於2016年畢業並考獲優異成績。
本人已於英國考取 IELTS 成績為7.5 亦已考取皇家音樂學院5級樂理,鋼琴達6級水平並有12 年擔任合唱團和指揮的經驗,能以英語授課、唱遊以及帶遊戲。本人幼兒教學經驗豐富曾於香港中文大學資優生共融計劃中擔任輔導員,以生動有趣的方式教授9-12歲的資優兒童,本人深信這些經驗能應用在教授幼兒英語課程。
日期 : 2015-07-02 01:36:47 |
導師編號 : 802719 (男)
你好,本人是香港城市大學工程系畢業生,現時全職補習,現替多名中一至中四喇沙學生補習全科,十分熟識初中和DSE課程,曾在小學和補習社擔導師,有5年中小學生補習經驗,因此明白學生的學習發展需要及困難,做事態度認真,有耐性,專補數理化科目,能夠提供教材和練習,同時於中學時期通過國家級普通話水平試,可以教授初級普通話,希望能有幸指導閣下的子女 |
日期 : 2015-07-03 23:07:07 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:07 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:10 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:11 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:12 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:15 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:16 |
導師編號 : 802601 (男)
i am currently a pharmacy undergraduate in Monash University and i am also a graduate fom st. Josephs College. Over the past few years, i have attended different international examinations such as IELTS & SAT and have attained great results ( IELTS 7.5/9, SAT 1960/2400). If necessary, i can also provide foreign English notes. Please contact me if interested. |
日期 : 2015-08-26 12:27:16 |