近MTR |
升K2(男) ,一星期1日 ( 1小時 ) , ( 可議 / 每小時),女導師,中七程度,Native Speaker |
L150086 |
一星期1日(1小時),可議 / 每小時, |
男 |
升K2 |
英文,英語會話, |
可議 / 每小時 |
女導師,中七程度,Native Speaker |
導師編號 : 803324 (女)
本人於英國University of Central Lancashire畢業,主修英語國際企業傳訊,並持有澳洲紐卡素大學的工商管理碩士學位。越15年補習經驗,擅長中小學全科及高中DSE英文,中文和通識。精教英語。不但擁豐富DSE文憑試教學經驗, 還富有歐美澳升讀大學和高中的入學考試面試、英國Cambridge劍橋國際英語水平考試班、英國PTE培生國際英語水平考試和IETLS雅思國際英語水平考試教學經驗。歷年學生都成功升讀本港及歐美各著名中學和大學,乃至成人學生都成功高分考獲雅思及成功通過公務員語文水平考試。 |
日期 : 2015-11-01 09:36:03 |
導師編號 : 802854 (女)
I am interested, please contact me. I was taught under the US system during younger age in Hong Kong at an International school. I moved to Canada when I was 15 and got into University of Toronto. I moved back to Hong Kong two years ago and started my career right after. I have experience in teaching younger student and I can teach in fluent English, Mandarin or Cantonese. Thanks! |
日期 : 2015-11-23 02:24:57 |
導師編號 : 802854 (女)
I am interested, please contact me. I was taught under the US system during younger age in Hong Kong at an International school. I moved to Canada when I was 15 and got into University of Toronto. I moved back to Hong Kong two years ago and started my career right after. I have experience in teaching younger student and I can teach in fluent English, Mandarin or Cantonese. Thanks! |
日期 : 2015-11-23 02:40:17 |
導師編號 : 801355 (男)
BU BBA Year 2 Major in Human Resources Management
DSE English Overall Level 5 with Writing 5** Speaking 5 |
日期 : 2015-12-05 19:18:33 |
導師編號 : 800673 (女)
我在香港城市大學畢業,中七畢業於真光女書院,我有五年補習經驗,我現在正在補中五的DSE的課程及小六呈分試。我認為讀好中英數並不難,只要我深入講解考生常錯的地方及出題目的方法,加上我有大量筆記及試題,了解各題目的用意,自然水道渠成。曾有多年為中三四英文中學學生補習經驗, 獲得家長讚賞。另外, 本人亦獲學校受聘任短期數學班導師, 且現在也有為中六補習,對補習甚有經驗。除此之外,本人亦曾於補習社工作,能清楚明白學生學習上困難。 |
日期 : 2015-12-19 18:10:01 |