升中五(男) ,一星期1日 ( 上課時間 : WED : 1830 後 ) ( 1.5小時 ) , ( 150-200 / 每小時),大學程度,導師要有5* 懂考試技巧,懂操試題
個案編號: A1600567
時間: 一星期1日(1.5小時),150-200 / 每小時,
上課時間: WED : 1830 後
學生資料: 升中五
科目: 數學,物理,
學費: 150-200 / 每小時
特別要求: 大學程度,導師要有5* 懂考試技巧,懂操試題
導師編號 : 803049 (男) 本人現於嶺南大學修中文系三年級生,有信心改善學生語文能力。另外,本人有3年補習經驗,曾為中小學生提供功課輔導,科目補底等。本人中文DSE得5* 英文4,對中小學教育亦充滿熱誠,希望給予機會。
日期 : 2016-09-19 01:45:54

導師編號 : 801963 (男) I have graduated from University of Warwick (UK) in 1991 and got my master degree in manufacturing engineering. After graduation (i.e.) starting from 1992, I have been working as part time private tutor, especially teaching for HKCEE (會考) Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics from 1992 to 2011. After 2012 (starting from DSE - 文憑試), the major subjects that I’ve taught were also Mathematics, M1 (Calculus & Statistics), M2 (Calculus and Algebra) and Physics as well. In other words, I have accumulated over 20 year experiences on private tutor field. My key technique with my great passion and past experiences are able to assist students for being logical thinking mind to have problems solving on hard questions in homework and exam papers.
I have graduated from University of Warwick (UK) in 1991 and got master degree in manufacturing engineering. After graduation (i.e.) starting from 1992,the major subjects that I’ve taught were Mathematics, M1 (Calculus & Statistics), M2 (Calculand Algebra) and Physics.
日期 : 2016-10-22 11:59:14

導師編號 : 803737 (男) 本人現正就讀香港城市大學管理學系,各科成績都屬理想,基本全科補習相信能夠勝任。本人已經有一年的補習經驗,現在亦有三至四個一對一補習的學生。
日期 : 2016-11-14 11:52:50