中二(男) ,一星期3日 ( 上課時間 : 5-7点 ) ( 2小時 ) , ( 100 / 每小時),大學程度,
個案編號: A1700322
時間: 一星期3日(2小時),100 / 每小時,
上課時間: 5-7点
學生資料: 中二
科目: 全科,廣東話,英文拼音,英語會話,
學費: 100 / 每小時
特別要求: 大學程度,
導師編號 : 804351 (男) 科大工程二年級
日期 : 2017-05-15 17:10:33

導師編號 : 804444 (女) Hi, my name is Grace Janice. I have been living in England for more than 10 years and I can speak fluently both Chinese & English. I\ve got a proficiency in teaching English as a Foreign Language teaching kids and adults. I love working with children and hope I can help you. I speak with the correct British Accent which is the proper way to speak English. If you are interested, pls contact me.
日期 : 2017-05-31 17:14:03