大埔道28號 (太子) |
P. 5(男) ,一星期2日 ( 上課時間 : 可夾 ) ( 1.5小時 ) , ( 450 / 每小時),女導師,全英語對話,現職教師, |
A1800527 |
一星期2日(1.5小時),450 / 每小時, |
可夾 |
男 |
P. 5 |
英文, |
450 / 每小時 |
女導師,全英語對話,現職教師, |
導師編號 : 807756 (女)
Hello. I studied in Band one girls’ school and I obtained Grade A in English Oral in both HKCEE and HKAL.
I have been teaching in EMI schools for over 10 years. I am confident that I can raise your kids’ interest and competence in English in a fun way. |
日期 : 2018-08-31 13:16:44 |
導師編號 : 805750 (女)
I am a Year 2 nursing student in OUHK who have attained Deans List in year 1 with GPA above 3.6 and level 5 in 2017 HKDSE English with 5* for both speaking plus listening and integrated skills as well as 5 for writing. I am also graduated from Band 1 well-known EMI primary and secondary schools, Maryknoll Convent School. Thus, I can speak fluent English and have a good grasp of English. Therefore, I am confident that I am capable for this role and can meet your needs well!
你好! 本人現正修讀護理學二年級, 大一時GPA成績獲入院長嘉許名單, 中小學就讀Band 1 傳統瑪莉諾女名校, 英文科公開試分卷亦獲佳績 (說話&聆聽綜合皆 5* 及寫作 5), 絕對能給予正宗英語教學, 本人了解考試模式及能給予相應的應試技巧, 為學生提供優質教育同時也會保持耐性和有責任感, 相處平易近人但都會適時給予學生指示
此外, 本人以往也曾接受過兩年多的私人上門補習經歷, 非常清楚私補比大型補習社優勝的地方, 十分明白學生會希望導師以甚麼方式教導自己
除了上門補習, 本人亦歡迎學生課後隨時透過通訊軟件向我問問題, 定必儘快解答 |
日期 : 2018-09-16 13:57:09 |
導師編號 : 808119 (女)
I am a full-time English tutor who spent my primary and secondary school years at Maryknoll Convent School and attained Straight As in four subjects in HK Advanced Levels Examinations. I was awarded both the John Swire Donor Scholarship and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for studying in Faculty of Arts in the University of Hong Kong, where I majored in English Language and graduated with First Class Honors.
Before becoming a full time tutor, I have worked as an Executive Officer in the HK Government for twelve years. Not only do I have over ten year’s experience in private tutoring in English (including phonics, writing and oral conversation), I also have the experience of teaching English writing in summer group classes in the Kowloon Caritas Centre.
I am a friendly and patient person, with great passion in passing on what I have learned and enjoyed to the younger ones, so that they will also enjoy learning English in a lively way. |
日期 : 2019-08-15 22:27:34 |