長沙灣 |
小二(男) ,六或日 ( 1.5小時 ) ,女導師, |
A1801708 |
六或日(1.5小時), |
男 |
小二 |
英文, |
女導師, |
導師編號 : 800673 (女)
我在香港城市大學畢業,畢業於真光女書院,我有五年補習經驗,我現在正在補中五的DSE的課程及小六呈分試。我認為讀好中英數並不難,只要我深入講解考生常錯的地方及出題目的方法,加上我有大量筆記及試題,了解各題目的用意,自然水道渠成。曾有多年為中三四英文中學學生補習經驗, 獲得家長讚賞。另外, 本人亦獲學校受聘任短期數學班導師, 且現在也有為中六補習,對補習甚有經驗。除此之外,本人亦曾於補習社工作,能清楚明白學生學習上困難。 |
日期 : 2021-03-31 15:52:37 |
導師編號 : 808578 (女)
我有2年以上的為小學生補習的經驗曾經幫助小一至小五的小學生補習,保底以及提升其中文、英文能力。有補過寶血會思源小學,伍季明小學的學生。本人善於溝通,有耐性。會自行準備筆記. |
日期 : 2021-06-11 10:37:47 |
導師編號 : 802221 (女)
I am an experienced full time female tutor graduated from Australia Macquarie University. I teach English, French, phonics, IPA, and Cantonese for expatriates and Mandarin speakers. I have been working as After-School English tutor at primary schools, English Composition tutor at Youth Centre, English Tutor at ERB, French tutor at YMCA and Yan Oi Tong, Cantonese tutor at Language School, and private tutor for all ages.
I am usually a favorite with my students (regardless of their age and background) since I teach them in a funny and interesting way with love and patience. They will thus become confident in speaking, understanding and reading the new language. They do enjoy a lot and have made great progress. With my teaching experience especially my passion and vision for teaching students to further their knowledge of new language and culture, I think I am eligible for the job and can perform my duties quite well.
日期 : 2021-07-19 18:04:02 |