大專或大學(男) ,一星期1日 ( 上課時間 : 可傾 ) ( 2小時 ) , ( 可傾 / 每小時),廣東話,大學畢業,BAFS-會計
個案編號: A1500752
時間: 一星期1日(2小時),可傾 / 每小時,
上課時間: 可傾
學生資料: 大專或大學
科目: 會計,BAFS,
學費: 可傾 / 每小時
特別要求: 廣東話,大學畢業,BAFS-會計
導師編號 : 803068 (女) 你好,本人為第一屆文憑試考生,於BAFS該科目中取得5*佳績,而econ亦取得5的成績。本人曾就讀九龍城傳統英文中學,現於香港科技大學就讀工商管理學系。
日期 : 2015-08-22 17:20:27

導師編號 : 800780 (男) 本人在香港科技大學商學院以二等甲榮譽成績畢業,主修專業會計及資訊系統。本人畢業後將會成為一名專業會計師,現正攻讀專業會計師牌考試(QP)。本人在學期間有長達5年補習經驗,熱衷於指導學生和了解學生的需要和學習進程,能清楚了解學生普遍遇到的難題。本人暫時只有興趣接有關於會計或資訊科技的個案,其餘請求可按情況處理。謝謝。
I am a fresh graduate from HKUST business school. I am graduating with Second Class Division 1 for the major of Professional Accountancy and Information System. I will become a professional certified public accountant after graduation, and I am now preparing for the accounting exam organized by HKICPA (QP).
During my study in school, I have had tutorial experience for more than 5 years. I am passionate to share my knowledge with my students. I can understand my students well according to their progress and learning pattern.
Currently, I am only interested in cases relevant to accounting or information technology. For other issues, you are also welcome to request. Thank you.
日期 : 2017-05-18 23:03:33

導師編號 : 800780 (男) 本人在香港科技大學商學院以二等甲榮譽成績畢業,主修專業會計及資訊系統。本人畢業後將會成為一名專業會計師,現正攻讀專業會計師牌考試(QP)。本人在學期間有長達5年補習經驗,熱衷於指導學生和了解學生的需要和學習進程,能清楚了解學生普遍遇到的難題。本人暫時只有興趣接有關於會計或資訊科技的個案,其餘請求可按情況處理。謝謝。
I am a fresh graduate from HKUST business school. I am graduating with Second Class Division 1 for the major of Professional Accountancy and Information System. I will become a professional certified public accountant after graduation, and I am now preparing for the accounting exam organized by HKICPA (QP).
During my study in school, I have had tutorial experience for more than 5 years. I am passionate to share my knowledge with my students. I can understand my students well according to their progress and learning pattern.
Currently, I am only interested in cases relevant to accounting or information technology. For other issues, you are also welcome to request. Thank you.
日期 : 2017-05-18 23:03:39

導師編號 : 800780 (男) 本人在香港科技大學商學院以二等甲榮譽成績畢業,主修專業會計及資訊系統。本人畢業後將會成為一名專業會計師,現正攻讀專業會計師牌考試(QP)。本人在學期間有長達5年補習經驗,熱衷於指導學生和了解學生的需要和學習進程,能清楚了解學生普遍遇到的難題。本人暫時只有興趣接有關於會計或資訊科技的個案,其餘請求可按情況處理。謝謝。
I am a fresh graduate from HKUST business school. I am graduating with Second Class Division 1 for the major of Professional Accountancy and Information System. I will become a professional certified public accountant after graduation, and I am now preparing for the accounting exam organized by HKICPA (QP).
During my study in school, I have had tutorial experience for more than 5 years. I am passionate to share my knowledge with my students. I can understand my students well according to their progress and learning pattern.
Currently, I am only interested in cases relevant to accounting or information technology. For other issues, you are also welcome to request. Thank you.
日期 : 2017-05-18 23:04:00