Aim High
I am currently a Year 3 Student in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I am studying Surveying. I have more than 3 years in tutoring experience on both drawing and private tutoring. I have a good academic achievement in DSE and in University.
導師編號: 803253 出生年份: 1996 語言: 中文 可補年級: 大專
教育程度: 大學生(學位) 就讀中學 St. Rose of Limas College
授課區域: 中上環, 灣仔, 銅鑼灣, 美孚, 荔枝角, 大角咀, 旺角, 屯門, 荃灣, 葵芳, 葵涌, 荔景, 青衣,
授課種類: 全科, 英文, 數學, IELTS, 鋼琴, 繪畫,
授課時間: 星期日, 星期二, 星期三,