This is Ms. Catherine Ha. I have been a private tutor for several years. With abundant teaching experience in teaching Mandarin, I am surely bringing your kid with full interest and knowledge in Mandarin. Thank you!.
導師編號: 808205 出生年份: 1975 語言: 中文 可補年級: 小六
教育程度: 大學畢業 就讀中學 NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College
授課區域: 中上環, 九龍塘, 牛頭角及九龍灣, 秀茂坪, 觀塘, 藍田及油塘,
授課種類: 普通話, 廣東話,
授課時間: 星期日, 星期一, 星期二, 星期三,